
My books

Words Are Seeds That Affect Your Thoughts

As an author, I understand the profound impact that words can have. My mission is to fill pages with words that act as seeds of hope, faith, and empowerment. Through my books, I aim to provide more than just a momentary escape—I want to offer tools for real, lasting change.

women's book club


My Latest Titles

it's my time book

It's My Time: Journal It!

This journal is designed to provide a place to document all the things in life you deem important. If it's significant to you, it's worth capturing the moment in writing, and it's a great tool for self-expression.

Be STILL and Talk With God Daily

Reading a daily devotion from Be STILL and Talk With God Daily will provide a framework to help guide you to a path of peace. That path will become clearer as you learn to hear God in the silence of being still.

be still daily prayer journal cover

BE STILL Daily Prayer Journal

The BE STILL Daily Prayer Journal is an excellent tool for capturing those still, quiet moments with God. It provides an opportunity to document prayers for others, prayer requests and prayer responses.

SheCEO Let’s Go!: Remove The Excuse & Stand In Your Power

Real life stories of 13 women entrepreneurs written to inspire women to remove the limits that is often placed on them.


Book Me For Your Next Event

Whether it’s a corporate event, a women’s retreat, or a motivational seminar, contact me today and let’s work together to create an experience for women that uplifts, energizes, and inspires.

sandra richardson event

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Join my mailing list today and let’s keep in touch with tips, motivation, inspiration, and how we can connect.